things to do in Chefchaouen Morocco


Located in the Rif Mountains in northwest Morocco, Chefchaouen – known as the Blue City Morocco – is a must-visit destination. The city’s streets are painted in tranquil shades of blue, making it a renowned and beautiful city that attracts travelers from all over the world.

Apart from the blue streets, Chefchaouen is also well-known for its culture, hiking, food, and the abundant production of hashish in the region. It is a perfect location for anyone trying to escape the hustle and bustle of the bigger cities in Morocco and find a blue oasis of calm nestled in the mountains.

Why is Chefchaouen pintted blue?

Often referred to as “the blue pearl,” we asked many locals and did a bunch of research as to why Chefchaouen is blue. Naturally, there are a few answers to this question, but nothing definitive.

History tells us that thousands of Jews fled Europe during the Spanish Inquisition, so they were not forced into Christianity. They ended up settling in Chefchaouen and painted all the walls blue, the color of divinity in Judaism. This seems to be the prevailing answer to the original meaning behind the Moroccan Blue City.

In present-day Morocco, the majority of the Jews are long gone. However, locals say that the blue color repels mosquitos; I guess they mistake the blue for clear blue water and stay away. Then there is the idea that the various blue shades help cool the city off during the summer. It’s probably somewhere in the middle as the tradition stuck, and the tourism dollars from photo-crazed Instagrammers certainly incentivized things

How to get to Chefchaouen, The blue city in Morocco?

There are a few different options depending on where you come from in Morocco to get to the blue city, Morocco. There are frequent buses from Fez and Tetouan and also from Casablanca, Rabat, Tangier, and Ceuta in Spain.

Chefchaouen, Morocco, is about three hours from Tangier, the closest to the famous blue town. There are two local buses daily from Tangier. Skip those, and stick with the private bus company CTM for a more pleasurable ride.

Visit Chefchaouen on Google Maps here. The map will help with the idea of the location. Located in the Northeast of Morocco, it’s quite close to the coast, which keeps a temperate and cool climate compared to the deserts of Morocco. 

Taking a Bus to visit Chefchaouen, The blue city of Morocco:

The CTM bus station in Tetouan is separate from the Supratours pick-up and drop-off point. Beware of men outside the bus stations in Tangier and Tetouan offering to randomly help you. They will take you to the local bus stations and charge double the regular ticket price for their “services.”

Taking a grand Taxi to Chefchaouen:

Grand taxis are cheap but not as cheap as a bus, and you will most likely be crammed in with other passengers. They fit as many people as they can in grand taxis – safety is not a priority. We found these taxis to be a good service to more off-the-beaten-path destinations and areas not readily serviced by bus like Chefchaouen. 

Drive yourself to the Blue city in Morocco:

If you feel confident driving in Morocco and want to visit Chefchaouen, you can rent a car to get to the Blue City in Morocco and get around. if you love renting a car when you’re traveling abroad, Morocco is a good introduction for those looking to work on their skills in more difficult destinations. Europeans also have the advantage of taking the car ferry from Spain to five different Moroccan ports.

Take a tour to Chefchaouen:

The last option that we would recommend is a tour to visit Chefchaouen, which will take the headache out of traveling to the Moroccan blue city yourself. It’s also a great way to travel solo if you’re still new to traveling. A group setting and knowledgeable guides make your trip safe and social. Our travel company will take the job as the best way to make your tour unforgettable.

Things to do in Chefchaouen, the Moroccan Blue city?

The first thing to do during your visit to Chefchaouen is to get lost. It’s a laid-back city that is great to wander around aimlessly. waking up every day excited just to spend your days getting lost in the blue maze next to the mountains and not feel rushed.

If you decide to make the trek to Chefchaouen, we would recommend at least two days to get around the town and enjoy the smells and unique shops. Each street always brought something new and undiscovered.

Go For A Hike In The Blue City In Morocco:

Just look up when you get tired of wandering around the Moroccan blue city! Chefchaouen is situated high in the Rif Mountains and is an excellent base for hiking.

A popular hike that goes just behind the waterfall of the Ras el Ma’ river and climbs up towards the Spanish mosque on the outskirts of town, providing amazing views over Chefchaouen.

Find Some Kitty Cats:

Not on your traditional list of things to do in Chefchaouen, but if you like cats, you will have fun here. It won’t take long to find one of Chefchaouen’s most prominent residents, the cats of Morocco’s blue city. Around almost every corner, you’ll find a little meow-box waiting for some attention.

The cat population is very high as the locals feed them and generally take good care of them.

Visit Talassemtane National Park:

Talassemtane National Park is a beautiful national park in Morocco that was created in 2004 to preserve Morocco’s threatened fir forest. The name Talassemtane means “Cold Spring” in Arabic. It’s less than a 45-minute drive from Chefchaouen and offers plenty of hiking opportunities. Grab a group and a taxi and make your way there. It’s all where you’ll find Akchour waterfalls and God’s Bridge. (See below).

Check Out The God’s Bridge:

The Bridge of God is a lovely natural arc, 25m above the river Oued Farda. To get to the bridge, it is advisable to take a taxi a half-hour out of the blue town in Morocco to the small town of Akchour to start the hike to God’s Bridge. You’ll also get to see the stunning Akchour waterfalls here too. You can find the location here.

Spanish Mosque Viewpoint:

The best viewpoint of the Moroccan blue city comes from an old Spanish Mosque that sits atop a hill on the city’s outskirts. It’s a short mile-long hike to the top of the hill and provides views of the city the whole time. The mosque is abandoned and no longer holds prayers, so tourists and non-Muslims can go inside the mosque.

Visit A Marijuana Farm:

If you walk around the Moroccan blue city for a while, you’ll likely be approached by several “tour guides” who will offer you either hashish or a tour to a local producer. Several people while hanging out in Chefchaouen agreed with a local to take them up to a farm for an enjoyable day trip.

Smoking cannabis in Morrocco? You won’t have an issue finding hash in Chefchaouen. Touts everywhere in the city will be offering you their specialty like you’re a kid in a toy store. Their persistence can get annoying. A firm no should get them to stop bothering you.

*Smoking marijuana is illegal in Morocco, and we advise everyone not to partake. You can do so at your own risk — we don’t want to see the inside of a Moroccan jail.

Shop Till You Drop:

One of the reasons so many visitors love Morocco is for shopping. While shopping and haggling in Marrakech or Fez may be overwhelming and exhausting, We found Chefchaouen quite laid back.

Yes, there are fewer options here than in the big cities of Morocco, but you should still be able to find unique handicrafts from local artisans.

Chaouen, Morocco, is known for having high-quality handmade leather goods. The old medina is not big, and just exploring the streets should bring you across many artisans showing off their work.

Exploring the medina, having a cafe, and chatting with locals are wonderful ways to pass the time. Don’t forget to bring a travel camera. It’s one of the most photogenic spots in North Africa

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